My Book: Née McColl is PUBLISHED!
Woo - Hoo!!!! My book was only published last week and it is on already!! Here's the Press Release (Can you believe it????? (VBG!)
West Union, WV – “Née McColl” by Frances McColl Stewart, published by iUniverse, Inc. has now been listed on and Barnes and
"They arrived at the battlefield at dusk. The shooting was becoming more sporadic as it was difficult for soldiers to aim through the heavy smoke at twilight. The three of them picked up as many injured soldiers as they could and stacked them in the buckboard for transport back to the Old House. Furniture was moved out of the living room and the wounded were made as comfortable as possible on palettes on the floor. When Sherman’s scouts came through, they declared the Old House to be a hospital. It seems that in the dark, poor Lucy was picking up Union soldiers as well as our Rebs, and once daylight hit, simple Christianity won out. We children were savage enough to be thrilled to have the bloodstains of that long ago time permanently embedded in the wooden floors."
“Née McColl” brings alive the cultural heritage of being a South Carolina McColl.
Poverty, Rationing, Education, Grits, and Rapists, as seen through a child’s eyes will make you relive those bittersweet, simpler days following WW II.
A member of Mensa’s Webheads, Frances’ personal websites have gathered much recognition in different fields: is a primer on Internet Etiquette, West is an interactive community site, and is a genealogical site.
Frances currently lives in the “precipitous hills” of West (by God) Virginia with her husband, Bud – and SeaDog.
Hobbies include quilting, genealogy, Fortean mysteries – and the Family Quote of the Year Contest.
Available from Ingram Book Group, Baker & Taylor,,,
and from iUniverse, Inc.ISBN: 0-595-34026-1 - Publication Date: Aug-2005History
/ General - Price: $14.95 - Size: 6 x 9 - 147 PagesTo order call 1-800-AUTHORS